Confessions of an Imperfect Mom

Confessions of an Imperfect Mom

  Over the first few years of my child’s life, I tried to be the perfect mom, or at least what I imagined was perfection. I drove myself crazy and into depression, doubting my ability. I was so afraid that I’d forget how long it had been since I’d given her...
Permission to Breathe

Permission to Breathe

You want someone to know you, really know you and accept you. Not just as a mom but as a person. But exposing yourself is scary. What will people think if they saw all the insecure and imperfect parts of me? The truth is that all of us moms look over our shoulder from...
You Can Be More Joyful

You Can Be More Joyful

One of the traps that keeps moms from enjoying the motherhood journey more is worry – especially worry that you don’t have what it takes to measure up. Well, let’s ask this question: Who’s holding the measuring stick? We give way too much power to others who will...